Set back on Sunday, Bad news on Monday, Surgery on Thursday

So, went in to see Dr. Holding and because I still have alot of drainage, she is unable to fill my extenders up. Needless to say, I was very upset. So here is the plan:  They will be removing my extender in my right breast, putting in the drains in my right and left side.  This has pushed back my radiation treatments to May but Dr. Holding felt that we need to get the cancer first.  I will still have options. Hum...should I go for the tummy tuck this time?  Will see.

I will be having surgery tomorrow morning starting at 5:30am. The acutal surgery will begin at 7:30am. It should take about 1 to 2 hours.  What they are going to do is to put my 2 drains back in and will  be taking my expander out in my left breast. Hopefully they will stop draining by the end of next week.  I will have about 2-3 weeks rest before the radiation will begin.  This will be for 5-6 weeks everyday about 30 mins. There will be some side effects but not as much as what Chemo did to me. If anything, I made it through the rough part. 

I feel ok today much better than yesterday, its always hard to get the bad news and to digest it but I am still hanging in there because I refuse to let this cancer kick me in my ass.....

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