That women in the mirror

It has come to me that I can not stop looking at myself in the mirror.  I would say that acceptance is what I am trying to get my head around.  I use to have DDD breasts and sometimes proud of them, now they are gone because of cancer.  I keep telling myself that it is all a dream and that I need to wake up but, when I look in that mirror, I see them gone and tell myself its REAL. 

Some days, are good and others are the bad.  Having cancer changes you in so many ways and on different levels, what I know is that it is REAL and your whole life changes.  I keep telling myself, keep pressing forward, stay strong and FIGHT! I know that staying in my faith, keeps me going. I know that there is a reason as to why this is happening to me but only known to Jesus.  One day, it will be revealed.  For now, when I am in front of a mirror, I can only say thank you for keeping me alive!

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