
Showing posts from May, 2013

Tired and want this drain OUT

Lets hope today is the day! YES... its Out!!!!

Me and my Snuggie

Felt alittle achy today. Took my pain pills to help. Did real well with physical activity.  Tomorrow (hopefully) will get this drain out of me. My body has changed. XL will not work anymore.  Kinda strange to see how I look in a smaller size.

Feeling better

Had about with nausa last couple of days. Couldn't figure why..Chemo last week. Zophran is good.

Radiate Me

Today is the first day of radiation.  Oh boy, can't wait. I going to be cooked inside.....uggggh!

Fix me Dr. Fatouh

Had 3 shots today and will have more in June. Yes, all of the pain stems from the chemo. Drugs to make cancer go away and side effects kick in. When will it END:(

Oh Dr.Fatouch

I really hurt all over. Can you make it stop?

My Chemo Nurse

Teresa has been a blessing through my treatment.  Thank you so much.

Feel Good, Feel Good

At Dr office for Chemo today. Herceptin is my best friend until November,  then Tomoxifin for 5 years...oh boy! Thank you God, friends and most important my Boo. I Love You! Posing with Teresa LPT..FAB

Wild week of Dr. appointments

Chemo on Tues, Pain appt on Wed and Radiation on Friday.....well deserved vacation on Saturday.  Hurry week, let's go!!!!!

A Change in Meds

Well, I feel alittle better with the Change in medication, will also see a specialist for pain. I feel like a drug addict. You should see my stash! Vicadin here I come!!!!

Back in to see my Oncologist

Pain everywhere and it HURTS!

Radiation here I come

Doctor's office said yes to the start of radiation for 5 weeks begining next Friday.  I hear you get real tired and only takes 30 mins. Ok, I am ready for part II of my battle. Bring it ON!

One in-One out

Heather pulled out my drain and it didn't hurt this time. So, I am a looped sided Cyborg. Ha. Maybe next week. I can only hope! Thanks Dr. Holding! I was thinking of a saying for a t-shirt. How about this: Yeah, the real ones nearly killed me or Nipple FREE! Funny huh?

Let's Hope

Please,  please take these drains OUT!!!!!!!

Happy Mother's Day

Breakfast in bed, wonderful lunch, resting the remainder of the day.  Drains still on me, they still hurt. Lucky me!

Can't sleep

So much on my mind. Yesterday went to Pink Promise Brunch with friend from work, Karen. Guess speaker wad Dee Dee Ricks.  Check out my FB for more pictures.  It was powerful.  Still have these drains and they hurt, my skin hurts. I still can't believe that I have Breast Cancer. Thank you all for your love and support.  Thank you Baby. Your my Rock. Most important thank you Jesus for my gift of Life.

Echocardiogram looks Good.

Tuesday we will try again to see if drains come out. I hope so, they really are annoying. Today has been a better day. I was able to actually sleep last night.

Still have Drains

Maybe I will get lucky next week and get these darn things OUT!

Last night was wonderful

Went to a fundraiser for breast cancer at the TWA Hanger. It was amazing to be out and meet new friends. I think I want to be a part of this organization.

My first week back to work

I was met by my co-workers with a warm greeting,  even met another person who has cancer and going thru chemo at the same place. His is more aggressive.  I'm tired but have to press on and pull up my big girl panties and keep fighting.