
Showing posts from May, 2014

Well now, another disappointment

Didn't get the job again. So many thoughts are going through my head. I just dont understand why. I try so hard especially now but it seems it doesnt count anymore. I just want to feel belonged somewhere for at least 5 to 6 years. I have to wonder is it because if chemobrain, how old I am, the color of my skin, my degree, not enough experience, to happy, to agressive, to little experience, to much experience,the temp agency(on a contract and it cost to much to get me out) WHAT? I was told DON'T GIVE UP yesterday over and over. Sounds inspiring but hard to believe when you have been knocked down so much.

Pictures from ArtBraKC

Makes me happy today!

Bad Day

Wow. Not a good day. I was once told you have good days and bad ones. I guess I need to keep praying and hoping that things will get better. I hear the words and I see them but that bad ju ju just wants to kick it with me. Maybe if I keep telling myself that I am amazing, it will sink in! Make myself a note: I am amazing

Thought: My body has been through

Ok, the last week or so have been about my body and how it looks. I keep going back and forth about fixing my boobs or not. My chest still hurts and I don't have all my strength still. Tim's says I shouldn't because I have been through so much but my head says do it. One side bigger than the other and still have radiation burns on my left. I don't know....I am Alive one more year and more to come. That should be the least of my problems.  I need to love myself more beyond the scares♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

Simply Amazing

I am still in awe of what I just accomplish. I just strutted my stuff on the catwalk in front of very important people announcing I HAVE KICKED CANCERS BUTT!! I still can't find the words because of its power.  There are times were my body just hurts and reminds me of the poison that took my body but I look at taking another breath and remember that I am Alive! ArtBra KC you brought me full circle and showed me SURVIVAL♡