
Showing posts from August, 2016

Here we go again..

4 and counting for blood draw. I think I am actually scared this time. After 3 years you would think that I would be feeling ok. I feel my regular Dr. is not listening to me about what is happening. However, I must say I am one to not get to fussy about my pain level. I just hold it in until it reaches a point that I can't manage it. I take 6 different meds and it frustrating. My pain level has always been a high 8 but I have been taking an over abundance of Tylenol 1500 in one day to be exact. Dr. Miller did tell me not to go over this which I have not but it's crazy I take this daily just to function.  My neuropathy seems to be picking up strength and I can really tell it. Oh my stomach, I am so disgusted by it. Had the surgery to take my muscles and put in my chest for my breast. The normal person would bloat down there, I bloat up looking like I am preggers. But the worst thing about it is that I don't eat much and I don't understand. Yes, yes, I workout some, wa...

Constant Fatigue

I read an article about Acupressure cane help with fatigue. I must say this is something to explore. After 3 years, still Cancer Free but my symptoms are still there of feeling tired and constant pain. It's so easy for others to tell you to "exercise". When you have experienced what I have, try not to judge. I'm not making excuses but being "mindful" as they say about how I feel. Yes I'm going to but throughout the day, tells me keep going, I can do it. At the end, I just say no. No more push. Soooo the little things like, parking the car farther, taking the stairs instead if the elevator, walking my dog just a little more than out the door. It's hard and I cannot lie. I keep telling myself just one more step. I can do this.

Bad blood day yesterday..

At PC office yesterday for my 6 week blood draw, I was poked 4 times (3 in the arm and 1 in the hand) by 3 different nurses and NO BLOOD. I must say, I was kinda scared and nervous. All of the nurses were kind but I was being persistent to get it over with, but on that last stick, I had to say no. I just can't do it. I'll do it again next week but pump myself with TONS of water. Let's just see how this goes next week Crystal😫