CoronaVirus 2020 Dr.appt w/Dr. Elia

Well this is totally new and different, you might say this is our new normal in my medical check for CANCER. Questions, stay in your car, call to come in (WEAR YOUR MASK), 6 feet distancing, no COFFEE...that’s just getting in the door.

Sitting here waiting for Dr. Elia with thoughts. I know I am cancer free, 7 years. Wow what a journey.
I have had a couple of falls resulting in PT and a boot. I have always been at risk but it finally happened, not once but twice in a month.

Still taking my cancer medication Anazozole. At one point I called Dr Elia that I had enough and wanted to go off the drug. The body pain is so painful 24/7. Weight gain yep...all the side effects.

Dr Elia should be coming anytime..... Ok one year check everything good.

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