
Showing posts from September, 2013

One door Closes another Opens

Those few words resinate so loudly and so true. Today, I told my story to a friend and she told me that "I am a survivor and will survive this". The door is open, I just need to walk through it. God has my back and is walking beside me. Me


Yep, I was terminated from my job on the 25th @ 9:35am and the company I worked at decided that they wanted someone else.....Really? So, tears were all over, can't even process what just happened.  After a whole year now they do this....I'm hanging on their must be a reason why this happened to me while on short term disability.  I was told companies do it all the time. Many of us who have or had breast cancer had the same experience. Today, the company called me to pick up my box of stuff...walked in and walked out never turning back. I'm ok! Me


I am so excited to have my drains finally out! Maybe I can now get some sleep.  My tummy is very sore and swollen. My poor belly button is taking the heat for sure, lots of drainage but it will be better. Today is my birthday....a very low key day with my Baby, Tim.  He is baking me a chocolate cake as we speak. I think that it was on the 19th of September that I found out that I had breast cancer, just 5 days before my birthday.  I thought it was a crazy joke but it has proven not.  One year later, my DDD's gone, poison inside my body, hair loss, tummy tuck and new boobies, I think a B cup.  I cried today, cancer changed me forever. How I look at life and what I have. What I have learned?  You can't take things, life, family, GOD for granted EVER.  What will I do NOW? My life is devoted in putting out the word about breast cancer and writing a book about my experience. Love you Tim I could not have done it without you for sure.  As to my fami...

Motoring in the Walmart

I must say, I am glad that I got a motorized cart. I could not walk the distance around Walmart. The carts are fast and can turn on a dime. No license required but you definitely need to watch where your going.  I can see and FEEL that it is going to take time to heal..... Watch out, coming through!

2nd week of Recovery

I have to say that I thought I would be feeling pain in my boobs but it is more in my stomach.  Dr. Holding gave me a Epideral in my lower back and boy did this help. I never had one even with childbirth.  Along with this I had two pain pumps (one in my stomach and the other in my chest) and two cocktails of pain pills. Needless to say, I was drugged very well.  Today, I am up and moving very slowly with little pain. On the scale it would be a 5. Maybe next week I can take Tiny out for a walk without him pulling on me. I still am in awe as to where I was as to where I am now. I could not have done it without my family & friends. Thank you so much Me

One Year Anniversary

The road has been so hard and long but I DID IT! I have an appointment to get my stitches out and hopefully the drains out. My tummy is tight but sore and bloated from the surgery.  In the end, yes worth it. I have so many feelings right now. To get those words told to you then going through the process of chemo, radiation,  multiple surgeries. So much, but I DID IT.  I feel a book coming on and giving back to cure cancer.

Herceptin Day

Hopefully I will have at least 3 more treatments to go. Wgy is it that I get here at least 30 minutes prior to my appointment and still sitting here 30 past my specific appointment time? Why....

Here we go again

Looking at the clock 3:37am. Did anyone else struggle with sleep after surgery?

3AM, home and NOT comfortable and the clock ticks

First day at home and cant stand the pain. I just cant comfortable.  When I was in the hospital couldn't sleep there with doctors in and out of my room. I get it they are just making sure I am progressing, I just found it an expensive nuisance.  I to say may care has been excellent to save my life. I have to also say that I had a great conversation with a Pastor and an a volunteer.  I owe everything to God. I had this incredible experience where is hands were all over me, a calming peace that everthing was going to be ok. I know at this writting that it will pass my sleepness , I feel it. But stop being funny God.....can I sleep NOW?

Getting out today....

Wow this experience has been crazy and lots of emotions. I try to catalog my ups and downs to help the next one. I am a Warrior who will survive and beat Cancer. Through my family and friends I could not have done it. I love you all...

Day 5 @ 2:30am

Lots of Dr. are in and out.,.this last one gave me a nasty orange sip of yuk to make me have a bowel movent. Warning if a dr. ask you if you moved and you say no.....beware! 3 hour and 4 flushes later, here it comes, FULL FORCE!

Not much sleep and I'm starving

Well here I am atcthe hospital. I'm still calm and ready. I have a headache though. Kets get this over with.


Feeling ok

One more Day Before

Yesterday was rough but I turn it all over to God, peace followed and it continues today!

I'm so nervous I can't breathe

So many things happening today which has me upset and scared shitless! I just have to remember to breathe!