
Showing posts from August, 2017

I lied to my Doc..THE TRUTH

I told him everything he wanted to hear, I exercise but I quit after 30 days. I have been over indulging in sugars but a weird thing watching my portions. I think therapy is needed😢

Stay of of my head...crazy thoughts

Over the weekend, I did alot of thinking and know that going to the gym is the best thing for me. What I need to do is to STAY OUT OF MY HEAD. When I go there, the "what if's", "I can't" always surfaces its nasty head and makes me crazy.  I don't look for sympathy, just understanding that one day I may be UP and the NEXT down.  I have been doing something within the last couple of months, taking an interest in making my faces pretty. Sometimes when I look at it I see "Cancer" and what it has done to me. Just another way to getting past the emotional side of "IT". Let's see how I will do.


For the last 3 months, the pain has been excruciating. Doctor's say exercise or get on a good...... diet bla, bla, bla. I can honestly say that I am fed up and really don't know what else I can do. I don't feel the same, I just DON'T FEEL GOOD.  I say I am going to work out and then I don't go, I say don't think about it but it's there.  I say if I can just feel GOOD just one day.......